Friday, November 29, 2013

...And then there were three (four?)!

Not long ago all we could report on was what Leslie was experiencing as a solo St. John resident, what we were doing back in Florida to be able to join her, and how much we were looking forward to doing just that.

When things (finally) change, they do so in a hurry! Within a space of less than two weeks we have morphed from a bi-continental family living in a house in Florida and a cottage on St. John to a three person, one dog unit living together in a cottage on St. John.

Sort of. The lease for the cottage on Gifft Hill Road, where Leslie has been living all of this time, expires at the end of October. The apartment we secured to be our next home was made available to us as of October 15. So as of now we are living (or at least our stuff is) in two places again. Except for the mountain of boxes that are in the temporary custody of the US Postal Service.

While we moved some of our stuff from point A to point B on Saturday, Champ found some things to make him feel at home...

Spending Shane and Champ's first full day on island moving stuff from place to place didn't seem quite right. To be fair, the long travel day on Friday had resulted in a pretty late and lazy start to Saturday, so it wasn't like we were working all day long.

Sunday however, was a different story - it was a nice day that was just screaming "beach!"

Who are we to argue with the universe? :)

We started by heading down North Shore Road, to get Shane reacquainted with the  beautiful overlooks. Champ wasn't going to be swimming today, so we pulled into the Peace Hill parking lot. We hiked up to the ruins at the top of the hill, where there's room for him to move around a bit.

After hanging out for a few minutes with them there for a look around, Shane and I hiked the trail down to Denis Beach so that he could (finally!) get into that water!

It's good to be on St. John, right Shane?

We finished off a fun Sunday with a short visit to the Beach Bar, followed by a great dinner at Banana Deck, then ...SLEEP!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Catching up (again!)...

At least this time I'm catching up from St. John! I really thought that once I was down here I would find myself with much more time to update this blog. I mean, I no longer have to worry about getting rid of and/or moving the contents of the house, getting the house ready to go on the market, make travel arrangements, etc... right?

Well...yes and no. Despite the nature of most of our Facebook posts, it's not all about snorkeling, gorgeous views, happy hour, and having fun with friends. Don't get me wrong - we enjoy every bit of all of those, but there are still other, more mundane things that can and do eat up a lot of our time. Most of that isn't what I'd think would be interesting to read (or write) about, although some of the cultural adjustment issues do lend themselves to humorous interpretation from time to time.

Where was I? Oh yeah, catching up. 

Last time we met I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of Shane and Champ, and the return of Leslie, to St. John. There was so much to worry about. Would they be too worn out from attending to all of the last-minute-and-this-time-we-mean-it-because-we'll-all-be-gone-tomorrow details to wake up in time to catch the plane?

Here's what the house looked like:

Champ went to the vet to get his final check and they gave them a sedative to help keep him calm on the plane. Fortunately, Leslie had the foresight to give him a trial run, with only half of a pill, the day before. Here's the result:OK. No drugs for Champ. He'll have to fly with no "help".

My anxiety closet was still full... How will Champ fare on his first (and second) flight? Will he have one of his (rare) seizures, or another vestibular episode? Will something or someone cause him to act out, or will he be too friendly, or too excited? Even though it was out of my hands I couldn't help but worry about him.

And, of course, Leslie and Shane!

They did manage to take a break long enough to have dinner with some good friends the night before they left. When I got a text from Todd telling me that he was "trying to defend me" I knew everything was going to be all right. Here's the view they had from the deck on the river:

 The next morning Tony arrived bright and early - OK, too early to be bright, to drive the gang to the airport (and to drop off the last load of electronic junk at the facility on his way back home - thanks Tony!).

The first text told me that all was well. The second, not so much. Mechanical issues were resulting in a delay on the American Airlines Orlando to Miami leg that would result in them missing the Miami to St. Thomas connection, and the later flight they would be on wasn't scheduled to arrive until after 8:00PM - which is after the last St. Thomas to St. John car barge of the night.

Since Champ wasn't traveling in a pet carrier he wouldn't be allowed on the people ferry so they wouldn't be able to all get home tonight! Some kind soul took all of that into account, took pity on them, and rebooked them onto Jet Blue, which was scheduled to land in plenty of time for us to come over together on the car barge.

Apparently he was a great traveler...

The luggage posed a problem. Even with the back seat removed from our two door Jeep Wrangler I didn't see how three people, a dog, and all of the luggage I imagined was coming was going to fit. Randy was standing by at the ready and said that he would pick Leslie and Shane up at the people ferry while Champ, the luggage, and me came over on the barge.

I got texts during the day that let me know that everyone was handling the travel well. Late in the morning I took the seats out of the Jeep then headed to board the car barge. Since I had made sure to allow plenty of time in case there were problems, there were none and I made it to St. Thomas well before the travelers were even boarding the plane in San Juan. This let me take a little time to explore the area beyond the airport, that we had only flown over before. Eventually it was time to head to the airport and pick up my precious cargo!

I joined the throng of folks that were waiting for arrivals just beyond the rum sample stand. A plane taxied in, and travelers began trickling off of the plane. My eyes were glued to a spot just above ground level - where I knew one particular passenger would be easy to pick out among the crowd. And then... there they were - Leslie, Shane, and, last but not least...Champ! As happy as I was to be reunited with Leslie and Shane, I was very relieved that Champ had made it without any apparent distress (and without being a pain to any of his fellow travelers).

Things have a funny way of working out. Just as they had on Leslie's flight to Florida, AA had managed to lose her luggage (no doubt during the transfer to Jet Blue). While she and Shane waited in vain by the carousel, Champ and I waited just outside the baggage claim area. I was amazed at the number of people that greeted him by name on their way out - our boy is a rock star!

Since we didn't have luggage to haul, the good news is that we could all travel back to St. John together. I let Randy know that he was off the hook, and as soon as Leslie completed the arrangements to have our tardy bags delivered we all piled in the jeep for the ride "home"!

It was a long day - for me. I could only imagine what it was like for Leslie, Shane, and Champ - pre-dawn ride to the airport, two flights with a layover, drive across St. Thomas, car barge to St. John, then up and down the hills of St. John until we were finally all together at the little cottage on Gifft Hill Rd.

Now the adventure REALLY begins!