Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's not too hard to believe that it's been over a year since our last post on this blog. Initially, the whole idea was to chronicle the change from being "mainlanders" to islanders. At that point in time, almost every aspect of our lives was new to us in some way, but as time went on, and the quirkiness of living on this little rock began to seem more and more "normal" to us, the details of our day to day lives also felt, to us anyway, like things that would be less interesting to others, so the motivation to write kind of went by the wayside.

Recently, while reflecting upon just how much has changed over the last year or so, I decided that taking a few minutes, when I have them, motivation, and ample subject matter, I'd update this blog, if for no other reason than for us to have as a "journal". If anyone else gets some minor enjoyment from reading it that will be a bonus!

Where we are: First off, the answer to the question we are asked the most by visitors here, and from friends back home - "is it still living the dream?"

In a word - yes. Like many others, while vacationing here, we'd often fantasize/dream about living here. So by virtue of having made that move, we are living that particular dream. My slightly longer reply to that question is often, "it's not Utopia, but it is Paradise". There are still the mundane chores associated with living that we had to deal with before we moved here. But it's nice, when I'm allowing myself to be in a bad mood, to drive up a hill and catch a glimpse of some of our beautiful down island views and be reminded that "this doesn't suck"!

Where we are (literally) Pt. II: This time last year we were gathering up all of our stuff for a move across island. We were fortunate to find a house for rent in Coral Bay we (with a little persuasion) we could bring the dogs with us. It wasn't quite the ordeal that the Florida - St. John move was, but with only a two door Jeep to our name it took some creativity (and help) but we made it! This place has more room, less noise, and is much more liveable than the "frat house" (think Animal House) that we moved out of.

Changes: I probably related before how living in a bare concrete bunker with two dogs and two young adult sons wasn't exactly the cozy love nest for two that I'd envisioned back in those fantasizing days. Things do change, in their own time. When we moved across island, Jason decided to stay behind. His job , friends, and activities were very Cruz Bay - centric and with no car he figured he'd be better off staying over there. He's since changed jobs and residences, but is doing well and is happy. Shane did move with us, also got new employment, but it was in Cruz Bay. For many months he utilized the bus system, hitchhiking, and/or bribing us to take him to town. Some good friends of ours that lived here for a year gave him their island car when they left (how sweet!) and he drove that around until it met its demise. Shortly after that he announced that he was moving back to the states to pursue his passions. We are so happy that he spent enough time here to fall in love with this place, but also that he had the wisdom, courage, and motivation to leave his comfort zone so that he could do things that he feels are important to him. So here we are, with our love nest for two (and with Champ and Patches of course)!

Stay tunes, as the adventure continues...