Monday, April 8, 2013

The Big Announcement! - April 8, 2013:

The cat's out of the bag! When I got up this morning my Facebook feed was blowing up, and I had texts on my phone congratulating me - I guess Leslie couldn't keep the news to herself any longer!

And why should she? She now has a one way ticket to St. Thomas for later this month, and a signed lease on a rental property on St. John!

After years of dreaming and scheming, months of questioning and checking, and weeks of debating (if you can call two people arguing for the same outcome debating) we have made the decision, and taken the plunge. Damn the torpedoes!

The catalyst was the job offer tendered to her on our most recent visit, and the window of opportunity pushed the timeline past the procrastination point.

Are we ready? In a million ways, no.

Are we nervous? Same.

Are we excited? Beyond belief!

She'll be there in just over two weeks! I'm not sure when I'll have things buttoned up here to the point that I can join her, but every day we're one step closer to what we've wished for for a long time.

Why the blog? For a number of reasons - people have said, upon learning of the news, that we should write one. We've been inspired, informed, and entertained by the blogs others have published on like or similar subject matter. And I suppose one day we can look back at it as sort of a journal of the whole experience.

I hope that others may glean a useful tidbit or two, the way we have from reading the other ones.

Stay tuned for more boring details...

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