Sunday, October 20, 2013

Settling in...

It's hard to believe that I've (Steve) been here for a full week now! We're still in a transitional period - Shane and Champ won't be here until Friday, our shipment of stuff from home is supposed to be ready for pick up tomorrow, we have between now and the end of the month to vacate the cottage that has been Leslie's home since late April, and to move into our new "temporary" place in the Chocolate Hole area.

So of course there have been the usual stuff to deal with - lease signings, scheduling service calls to get some of life's modern necessities hooked up, and so forth.

I have been introduced to a bunch of really nice people that have made me feel welcome - most of them remarked at how happy they were that Leslie and I are finally on island together! We have (had) this ten day or so window, before she flies home to bring the rest of our party here, to have the place to ourselves, and it's been nice!

We are both adjusting to not only a different lifestyle, but even getting used to sharing the simplest of decisions since we've both been more or less on our own over the last few months.

One thing that hasn't changed - we both still get almost giddy when we drive up a hill or turn a corner and are treated to some of the magnificent views that this place has to offer. And...despite the long list of to-do's and social obligations <grin>, we have managed to (shocker!) get in the water a couple of times this week.

Sunday, my first full day on island, once the Saturday night/travel day fog had cleared somewhat, going for a snorkel together was our first order of business. Leslie made me choose. There are no bad choices, and I don't know exactly why, but "Francis Bay" is what came out of my mouth. Here's a sampler of what we saw during our hour and a half plus swim...

We'll talk about our next snorkel at a later date - as soon as Leslie is through with her babysitting appointment we're going over to some friends' house as they are letting us borrow some furniture for the new digs!

Later we're going to meet our friend Randy in Coral Bay - he'll be here to check on the progress of the new solar panels being installed at his villa, and that sounds like a great excuse to meet him at Aqua Bistro for a drink!


  1. This is like the best "trip report" ever!!! But even MORE fantastic since it's not a's y'alls LIVES now!!! So excited for y'all!

  2. Following...... don't want to miss a thing!

  3. Best installment yet!! :) Keep on bloggin'!!

    ~ Margo
