You know how you peel an onion, layer by layer, and there always seems to be one more layer to go? It's kind of like that. Only the onion has been growing for over twenty years and has prodigiously procreated ! Seriously, there's a lot of stuff here - local garage sale afficianados better put our coordinates in their GPS devices.
Speaking of coordinates, the media has been providing, as a public service I suppose, reminders that yes, summer is indeed here. I guess waking up before sunrise to "real feel" temperatures approaching 90 degrees isn't evidence enough, we also need named weather features as well.
This newest "disturbance" (that term works on so many levels) goes by the charming moniker of "Chantal".
As you can see, the five day "cone of uncertainty" track comes close enough to both Leslie and to us that we can't ignore her. As a long time Floridian I'm accustomed to, in the words of one of my favorite songsmiths, "Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season". But doing so on two fronts simultaneously, well that's a new one for all of us.
More later, there's a pile of junk, er, treasure, that needs to be sorted, priced, cleaned, displayed............
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