Friday, May 24, 2013

An update straight from the island girl herself...

Four weeks ago today, I became a USVI resident, more specifically a St Johnian! I will not lie, there have been some speed bumps along the way thus far, but this post is about all the positives I have accomplished in this first 672 hours on island!!

I must say I am proud of myself and think that we are getting prepped for a great life here!
In no particular order, I have:

  • driven three times on St. Thomas, one of them with no guidance!
  • conquered the car barge 
  • gotten my PT license signed, sealed, and delivered (along with liability insurance and every Internal Revenue Service paperwork needed)!!
  • found our house (which sounds silly, a huge deal when you're not sure where (or even "if") it is.
  • protected my house from bugs
  • became active in volunteering for or committing to be a local "go to person" in at least two things close to my heart- the ACC and Just Play 
  • started an island guest business called KIDS NIGHT IN Babysitting Services which hopefully by next month will be completely up and running!
  • have met  or seen many great people - some residents, some visitors, some new , some old , some for business and some for pleasure!
  • got us a Jeep! And I mean I negotiated it, got it insured, inspected and registered!
  • gotten some government people to laugh which I hear isn't always easy.
  • worked as a volunteer for Wagapooloza and hopefully brought in a few more donations than they would have had if I wasn't here. 
  • picked up my first hitchhikers while driving alone.
  • helped some deserted folks who couldn't find a taxi.
  • enjoyed the beach, both underwater as well as above.  
  • had a little bit of rum, but not ever too much!!
  • got to see Inner Visions and Melame Gange I got To See Steely Dan (minus 1) in an extremely small venue.  
  • got to hike with doggies! I gave Kenny Chesney's music a chance and I may be hooked. 
  • ran through seven inches of standing water ( after a crazy storm. )
  • cooked for myself and baked for others! 
  • fought the AT&T Internet war ( had a couple more drinks because of that drama). 

Things I have learned:

  • Loving someone doesn't change if you don’ t see them for four weeks! (Soon come baby!) 
  • Crying isn't always a bad thing. 
  • TV is overrated!
  • People are generally generous. 
  • Passion equals getting the job taken care of the right way!
  • And lastly, your kids can always make you feel like Wonder Woman even when you trip over your cape!!
XOXO to all of my friends and family


  1. Here's to you,Leslie! (I'm raising my Cruzan Coconut on the rocks with 2 lime wedges.) :)

  2. Way to go Leslie! You make us proud. I am so happy things are falling into place for you minus a few bumps and puddles. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

  3. Big strides! Not the least of which "getting some government people to laugh" and giving "Kenny's music a chance" are two of my favorites! You've managed to accomplish so much and immerse yourself into island life as though you've always been there. You are building a great foundation for your dream! Now you know that you can have anything you want in this life, you just have to want it bad enough to dodge the "slings & arrows!" :)


  4. Love your attitude! Hope to meet you (y'all!) in August!
