Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 2 on the Rock- part 2 - Two steps forward, one step back :

(We'll pick up Leslie's on island adventures where we left off last time...)

So PT license done -or so I think! I have a little paperwork to fill out for the VI Internal Revenue Service. Okay... No biggie , but I have to print a PDF file ( no printer here yet,) , get form notarized, and fax or email to PT Board. Okay - go to one place to use computer to print. The wooden sign hanging in store says they have a notary , but apparently not anymore. On to DMV( or, as it's called here the BMV).  Breathe - I hear this is an ordeal! As it turns out, it's a piece of cake - I get her to giggle and tell me her name! - back to first place to fax! 

Done - not bad, except... it was suppose to be faxed to the  Internal Revenue Board (not the PT Board - directions in email  might not have been so clear), and once they get them , I'm told that unless you go in person they may just sit on them. Maybe I can get it done in St. John at the  IRB but if not - off to St Thomas again!

But maybe things do happen for a reason -  while faxing  the pages the second time around, I hear about a car for sale that might turn out to be our long term ride! 

Let's talk about my current rental - Bessie, who I love! Bessie is a four door 2005 red Toyota Echo ( think of Penny on Big Bang Theory - "check engine light" ) that Steve rented for me until we can either find a vehicle either to ship from Florida (our preference based on advice from a number of folks) or to buy on island. Everyone has their opinion on the right thing to do so we will have to play it by ear while we figure out  what's right for us! Bessie does not have four wheel drive! Let me repeat - Bessie DOES NOT have four wheel drive, so for those visitors who watch people drive the hills and say how do they do it? - I am proud to say " I know how ,albeit on occasion, I am holding my breath,to do it!" 

Driving on the left has been no problem. after the first three days, I don't even think about it anymore. Driving at night - no concerns. Driving with a variety of animals in the road- iguanas,  cows, donkeys and goats - no problem! But Bessie gives me a little scare on the occasional street or even worse  - some driveways, and not to mention all of the crazy ass hills, speed bumps, rain, and hairpin switchbacks! But all in all - I say victory has prevailed with just one or two hiccups with the little kids book " I think I can I think I can" coming to mind!

First Debbie Downer moment of week - skip this part if you don't want reality!  My youngest kid leaves for China to study abroad and I cannot be there to say goodbye to him in person.  First time I am feeling a bit lonely and a bit afraid. Not for me, but for him. Momma instincts never leave but it's harder when you are in paradise and you get that ridiculous picture of his beautiful face from the airport.  

Thanks dad! ( okay maybe I am a little lonely!) . For my friends on island, I don't want to appear needy or sad to be here, but lets face it, PARADISE is not the same when it's OUR paradise and only one of us is here so far. 

Back to fun and positive- the Animal Care Center has trusted me to be a volunteer and allows me a lot of freedoms. Not only do I get to take the dogs on their walks, but I am helping with what I would consider "special needs" dogs. Not necessarily physically special, but ones that seem to have emotional special needs. 

This is not only great for the dogs, but really great for me too. I not only miss Steve and my boys, but our dog and cat. So allowing myself to get kisses from a pit bull ( when in fact I was pretty afraid of them due to a serious attack Steve had been involved with many years ago) is a win/ win for everybody!! Why someone would ever hurt these dogs, abandon them, or train them to hurt each other is totally  beyond my comprehension. 

Shane, my oldest,  is currently at home with Steve. He has lived in Gainesville for the past four years, some going to school, some working. But a lot of it coping with  some depression and anxiety. His brother helped to convince him to come home, but no one told me any of the circumstances until I was here. They knew I wouldn't come because my "momma fix it " instincts would have me wanting to be there. So, sad moment number two ( but happy that Steve was available, and that Shane is OK for the moment).

What do I do when I feel blue - (many people drink!)? 
I try to get in the water. As always, seeing underwater life, takes me to a different place. First of all, it forces me to breathe. Secondly, it reminds me of the natural beauty that this world has to offer that a lot of people won't ever get to see. It also makes me practice patience - if you wait long enough, or just keep looking you will get that picture or that turtle will appear!!

The ultimate low moment of the week was when one of my favorite little patient's (okay sue me - I have favorites) dad committed suicide. I love this family (4 year old, dad, grandma and grandpa) and not just from a provider/patient standpoint , but from a person to person interaction we've had over the course of our three year relationship. They touch my heart every week in how wonderful they are and this news was devastating. What was more devastating  was the fact that I couldn't be there to help this family that I had been helping for three years. I couldn't comfort  them, hold them, hug them. My heart was hurting so badly and there really wasn't anyone to truly comfort me either! Damn it, this was a real test - and once again., for the second time in one week, I felt very alone. 

[There's a price to be paid for anything that's worthwhile. We decided that we want to pursue our dream of living on St. John and jumped in with both feet. I think that some of these sad situations may be the universe's way of letting us know just some of what the price of this particular dream may be. They were exacerbated by the fact that other than by talking on the phone, I couldn't hold and comfort Leslie when she was feeling sad. But we're keeping our "eye on the prize" and will get through the bumps and emerge stronger and with a greater appreciation of all we have, on the other side!] 

Next morning, as I'm driving Bessie down the street to go to the ACC, I hear a police siren. I look up and it's behind me! I am on a narrow road with minimal area to pull over, but I'm looking for a place to do so. Before I can find one- the loudspeaker from the police vehicle says "pull over NOW!" I think that she just needs me out of her way so she can go around so I ease into a space on the side of the road. 

Next loudspeaker announcement, "pull up further so I can pull in !" 
I am so confused but I do as prompted. 

Then... "get out of the car!" 
At this point, I'm getting a bit nervous - what did I do? Was something hanging out from my trunk like the straps from my snorkel gear? 

I get out and walk over to the female officer and here is our interaction:
O: "what's wrong with your seatbelt?"
Me: "nothing ma'am"
O: "then why weren't you wearing it?" 
Me:" I was wearing it ma'am. I never drive without it on."
O: "did you have it behind your arm?"
Me: "no ma'am. It was right across my lap and chest." 
At this point, I realize why I had to get out of the car ... Because I had to undo my seatbelt to get out and I couldn't prove or argue anything. So I just say "ma'am I have worn a seatbelt since I got my license at age 16 but I understand that you are just trying to protect people and if you think I didn't have it on, you are just doing your job."
O: shakes her head. "You can go but I better not see that seatbelt off!" 

I say "thank you and have a nice day." 
I get in the car, put on my seatbelt and start the engine.


Did I mention that walking the dogs at the ACC was as good for me as it is for them? That may never be truer than it was that morning!

The day got better - met some "virtual friends" in person for the first time, got to enjoy the beautiful beaches and water, listened to some island music, had a therapeutic adult beverage, and got to breathe deeply and be reminded that this is where I'm supposed to be.

Ended the day on an exciting note - while Steve and I were on the phone recounting our respective day's events to one another, - wait, let's let him tell it...

[During the course of our daily wrap-up phone conversation, Leslie, who was reporting from her end while sitting on the john (are we a "comfortably married" couple or what?) stopped mid-sentence, with a half-shriek, half scream of "Oh God". We weren't having "that" kind of talk (and I rarely elicit that reaction from her anyway, not even in person) so I was left wondering/worrying what all of the screaming,scrambling, and muttered threats that were emanating from the other end of the line were about! It turns out that my positionally compromised spouse had spotted a scorpion from atop her perch, and channeling all of the brave warriors throughout history, had dethroned herself to engage the fierce beast in mortal combat. I'm glad to report that good triumphed over evil, the invader was vanquished, and the bathroom was safe once more for its intended purposes. Man, I gotta get down there soon!]


  1. I love this blog!

    And there's a dinner waiting for you and Leslie at Morgan's Mango when you do finally get there! :)

  2. I so enjoy reading about your adventure..hope you get there soon...and hope we get to STJ soon and meet both of you

  3. That police encounter - WOW! Made me LOL.
